Hamari Bahu Alka is a family comedy drama. The movie follows the story of a young college-going man named Pratap (Rakesh Roshan), who lives with his father, Badriprasad (Utpal Dutt), his mother, and younger brother. Badriprasad arranges Pratap’s marriage with a village belle Alka (Bindiya Goswami). After the marriage, Pratap starts to find Alka attractive and would like to get intimate with her. However, Badriprasad separates the two and would not let the two be together before Prasad clears his college exams. The couple find it difficult to stay separated and decide to run away from the family. Will the two be able to finally be together?
Movie Profile
Hamari Bahu Alka
Release Date
22 Jan 1982
Synopsis :
Star Cast