Qatil is a crime thriller drama. The movie follows the story of a young man named Kumar Sinha (Aditya Pancholi), a law student who lives a wealthy lifestyle with his father Sharad (Raza Murad), a public prosecutor, who is a strong advocate of death penalty. Kumar opposes his father’s style of dealing with the criminals and finds it cruel. To teach a lesson to his father, Kumar decides to get involved in the murder of a prostitute named Champa, but leaves enough evidences of his innocence with his friend, Anand (Shakti Kapoor). Kumar is arrested and found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged. During his death row, Kumar asks his friend Anand to present the proof of his innocence in court. Things take a complicated turn, when Anand is killed and all the evidence is burnt. The question remains, will Kumar ever be able to prove his innocence or be punished for the crime he never committed?
Movie Profile
Release Date
23 Dec 1988
Synopsis :
Star Cast